NASA has Invite 13 year Old Pakistani girl For his invention of GLasses

 NASA has recognized the impressive achievements of 13-year-old Bisma Salangi from Karachi, who attends Evergreen Secondary School. Salangi has invented a pair of anti-sleep glasses designed to prevent drivers from falling asleep at the wheel, ultimately reducing accidents and promoting road safety.

Her innovation caught the attention of NASA, and she has been invited to their camp to further develop her skills and create more brilliant devices. In an interview with ARY, Salangi emphasized the capabilities of Pakistanis and the importance of determination in achieving remarkable feats.

Drowsy driving poses a significant risk to drivers and others on the road, and it is a pressing issue in Pakistan and worldwide. Fatigue-related accidents account for a considerable portion of road traffic incidents globally, according to the World Health Organization.

Drowsy drivers experience decreased alertness, microsleep episodes, impaired decision-making, and an increased likelihood of drifting or departing from their lane. Raising awareness about the dangers of drowsy driving, recognizing signs of fatigue, prioritizing sufficient rest, and encouraging alternative transport options are vital steps in addressing this issue. Inventors like Bisma Salangi play a crucial role in creating innovative solutions that have the potential to save numerous lives on the road.

NASA has invited the Karachi student to their camp to further polish her abilities and design new devices that can help society in order to recognize her work.

NASA has Invite 13 year Old Pakistani girl

Bisma highlighted the skills of Pakistani students in a recent interview, emphasising the necessity of determination in reaching amazing feats.

Bisma was also lauded for her efforts on inventions that might reduce and preserve precious human lives.

Anti-sleep glasses, also known as sleepiness detection glasses, are being developed by scientists all around the world so that they can be integrated into current vehicles. It detects tiredness by monitoring many indicators such as steering patterns, lane deviations, and driver behavior.

If the glasses detect the driver asleep, it immediately sends a warning since it uses algorithms to analyse aspects such as eye movement and facial expressions.

Such devices could improve safety by assisting with lane keeping and preserving a safe distance from other vehicles.

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